Parental Challenges

  • Communication in the family
  • Sensitively treating the child
  • Reading to the child (fairy tales)
  • Talking and listening to the child
  • Expressing interest in the child’s emotions
  • Responding sensitively to the child’s cries
  • Being truthful, reasonable and understanding
  • Being predictable in all matters that affect the child
  • Answering positively to the demand for attention
  • Integer personality of mother and father
  • Learning atmosphere in the family
  • Creative activities in the family
  • Psychically and spiritually healthy parental relationship

Thesis 1: Most parents understand the life of a baby, a child in general, as a kind of a “business” to be managed.
Thesis 2: Most parents do not care much for the baby’s development during the early childhood.
Thesis 3: Most parents impatiently want that their baby is cared for by an educational institution.
Thesis 4: The lack of love, care and appropriate learning support from the parents leads to stunted mental functions.
Thesis 5: 95% of all children that suffer absence of love, care and learning support will always be mentally limited. 

  • To force the child for a belief and for cultural practices canalizes learning and thinking processes.
  • Strong belief in doctrines (religion, ideology, technology) makes a child emotionally dependent with total absence of proof and critical thinking.
  • To teach a child to suppress emotions damages health and love capacity, empathy and intuition.
  • Forcing a child for top learning results, destroys emotional and creative capacities; and damages genuine development.
  • General: Poverty reproduces poverty, mental, behavioral, moral, economic and educational.

There are elements that influence already during the first 3 years the development of the brain in a critical way: Contamination, pollution, fine dust; chemicals in environment, nutrients, products, clothes and toys; dirty and contaminated water; ignored hygiene; lack of vitamins and minerals; slum housing; lack of healthy environmental conditions …

New finding 2018: Toxins in the brain mass of the baby / child (200+ toxins). More than 9 out of 10 people (92%) worldwide live in areas with excessive air pollution which contributes to problems like strokes, heart disease and lung cancer. Critical influences in the development of the brain predetermine also the development of the mind after birth. Toxins in the brain mass reduce and destroy mental capacities – lost forever. And nobody cares.

Early childhood:

  • Lack of sensitive care giving and protection
  • Lack of meaningful positive family communication
  • No understanding for the child’s learning needs
  • Low non-verbal communication (mimics, gestures)
  • Bad parental relationship (aggression, violence)
  • Low attention, introductions, and understanding
  • Bad and low social-emotional experiences
  • Inadequate, rigid and stupid parental education
  • Low or no loving respond to the child’s needs
  • Humiliation, menaces, and physical punishments

90% of the development of the brain of a child is built up fully by the third year.
With the first 8 years much of the mental functions are ‘programmed’ for life.
People repeat their adapted shaped mental functions during their entire life.

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