Germany is ending The Vasal of the USA

Here is your revised text with shorter paragraphs, improved transitions, and more consistent flow:

There is no escape possible in the short or long term. However, you can start by creating a new internal foundation.

Do not shout about old-fashioned wrongdoing. Avoid accusing other political actors. Instead, focus on building alternative elements for the future.

All your arguments should be presented to your own audience. You must focus only on your valuable steps toward a better future. Let your opponents follow their ways and avoid putting your finger in others’ business.

Each of your arguments must self-evidently convince your people. Do not copy old political concepts or old ways of speaking. Always talk from your inner source of life and your inner values.

When addressing your audience, discuss inner freedom and peace. Talk about things you are convinced are of gold value. Ignore outdated political concepts and focus on your future “Reset.”

Set priorities that reflect the dreams your audience has for a new future. Discuss inner values, renewal, and your outer liberation.

Draw a picture of a future that emphasizes independence and cooperative autonomy. Envision a Germany with high independence. Make strategic plans for a strong, peaceful Germany.

Motivate your audience for the young generations to come. Make it clear that education, from a young age to old age, is gold. Create new concepts for a healthy and strong Germany.

Talk to your audience about your new vision for German education. Use multiple pictures and facts to describe your new German volk.

Tell people the importance of jobs, learning, and “Resets.” Approach the conversation in human words about evolving global peace.

Remind them that all people have a soul and are longing for a new future. Create programs for work and nurture a new inner human spirit. Your people need work, trust, and a journey toward greatness.

Define the new Germany as a peaceful nation, never warmongers. Make Germany neutral, alongside the entire Western world.

You must offer action, facts, trust, and a myriad of aims.

From the Messenger, Dr. Eduard Schellhammer, in Spain.

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