The Assassination Attempt

A coup attempts by the military resistance (killing Hitler) during the time of National Socialism. We consider this trauma as a millennia shock, such as “killing Hitler failed,” and then the brave ones were killed.

Since the start of the conflict between Putin and Zelensky, all other brave authorities with the purpose of peace have been killed. On another view, in German politics these years, heavy arguments have placed many Germans in a dilemma and at risk of losing their political positions. A similar experience we all had with Covid, which was finally uncovered as a terrible lie with thousands of dead people.

Logically, during Covid, like the political conflict and the Russian Ukrainian conflict, on one side, were the positions for supporting Zelensky with weapons. On the other side, the smaller political group that was strongly engaged in peace policy. Most politicians have no clue about war matters.

So, many German politicians, as well as French, Polish authorities, and especially German politicians, have created hate and confusion everywhere. More critically, we must question the warmongers and the peace “operators” for more war or complete peace-making. We must also ask how the opportunists and the “peace makers” could create a balance. But nothing helped to build up any peace strategy. We must consider that most politicians behaved like cowards. In such a complex emotional position, peace can never be established. Resetting Germany is crucial!

Apart from that, negotiation in a war conflict never creates a stable solution aiming for peace. It is the inner human and never a warlike peace struggle that leads to positive action for peace. All war participations must first acknowledge the long-term consequences. Apart from rational solutions, in the end, it is always the human factors that allow for peace. For example, if the British authorities do not want peace, and the US government does not want peace, then Europe must separate from the UK and the US and become their own “German peace makers.”

The German political theatre must return to facts and not from reconstructions, emotions, reactions, and rigid dominance interests. Modern peace-making processes are always full of lies, inherited from the last millennia. Everyone tries to hide their own hidden robbery. It is time that Germany becomes free from American subjugation and creates its own future.

From the Messenger, 10.11.2024

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