Dr Eduard Schellhamer’s life

Throughout his career, Schellhammer dedicated himself to educational innovation, addressing societal issues, and improving the future of at-risk children through his research and teaching. 


Eduard Schellhammer was born in Lucerne on November 14, 1947, at 2:40 in the morning. From an early age, he showed curiosity and bravery. He loved traveling, meeting new people, spending time with friends, and seeking knowledge. One of his favourite memories from childhood was fishing at the Reuss River, where once, lost in thought, he was pulled into the water by a large fish. Though rescued by a passerby, his focus remained on catching the fish rather than his close call. 
Despite the demands of military service, which continued until he became an officer in 1974, Eduard began his university studies in 1970. He graduated in 1973 with a degree in Educational Science, Anthropology, Psychology, and Computer Science from the University of Freiburg. His dissertation, “Educational Needs of the Elementary School Teacher,” was highly praised, and he was encouraged to dive into the emerging field of automation. This led him to Kiel, where he studied IT programming and data analytics, positioning him at the forefront of what would evolve into AI and computer science. 
In 1974, he pursued his Ph.D. in Zurich, completing a dissertation titled “Performance Assessment and Selection in Primary School.”  
At 16, Eduard ran away to France, where he attended the Alliance Française in Paris to learn French. He spent his evenings working in the school kitchen to earn pocket money and formed lasting friendships, including with an aristocratic family who welcomed him into their home, calling him “Swiss Edi.” Although this was one of the happiest times of his life, he was eventually brought back to Lucerne by the police to finish his schooling. 
From 1964 to 1970, Eduard stayed in Lucerne, diligently completing his education in Latin, Ancient Greek, and philosophy while also fulfilling his mandatory military service. He worked after school to support himself, saving his earnings to travel and maintain his connections in Paris. In 1970, after years of effort, he successfully passed his “Matura” with excellent results.

1970-1973: University Studies

Eduard Schellhammer began his university studies in 1970 at the University of Freiburg, pursuing a degree in Educational Science, Anthropology, Psychology, and Computer Science. 
In 1973, he graduated with a dissertation titled “Educational Needs of the Elementary School Teacher,” which impressed the university director and led him to explore automation and IT programming in Kiel, where he mastered data analytics.

1974: Ph.D. in Zurich

In 1974, after completing his studies in Kiel, he was invited to pursue his Ph.D. at the University of Zurich. His dissertation was titled “Performance Assessment and Selection in Primary School.” 
That same year, he also became an officer after completing his military service.

1971-1974: School Reform and Educational Research

Between 1971 and 1974, he worked on school reform, curriculum innovation, educational research, and teacher training in the Department of Social Education/Home Education.

1974-1979: Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Zurich

From 1974 to 1979, Schellhammer lectured at the University of Zurich, teaching home education, philosophy of science, and research methods. 
His research focused on psychoanalytic home education, deviance, behavioral disorders, and child psychiatry. 
He collaborated with Dr. Urs Isenegger and Professor Dr. Frei, publishing eight research papers and contributing to the Freiburg curriculum reform.

1976-1980: Teaching at the Swiss Cadre School and Zurich School of Special Education

From 1974 to 1979, Schellhammer lectured at the University of Zurich, teaching home education, philosophy of science, and research methods. 
His research focused on psychoanalytic home education, deviance, behavioral disorders, and child psychiatry. 
He collaborated with Dr. Urs Isenegger and Professor Dr. Frei, publishing eight research papers and contributing to the Freiburg curriculum reform.

1976-1980: Teaching at the Swiss Cadre School and Zurich School of Special Education

In 1976, he began teaching psychology, anthropology, and conflict resolution at the Swiss Cadre School for the Red Cross. 
Until 1980, he lectured at the Zurich School of Special Education, focusing on psychiatry, psychopathology, and special education.

1978-1979: Work with Adolescents

Between 1978 and 1979, he worked with adolescents facing mental and social challenges in juvenile detention centers, modernizing education and diagnosing behavioral issues.

1978-1979: Work with Adolescents

Between 1978 and 1979, he worked with adolescents facing mental and social challenges in juvenile detention centers, modernizing education and diagnosing behavioral issues.

Ongoing Professional Engagements

From 1970 to 1986, Schellhammer was involved in various commissions addressing social issues and future research. 
He continued to further his knowledge by attending international conferences on psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and self-awareness.