Modern Dream Dictionary

Modern Dream Dictionary: The Ultimate Guide to Dream Interpretation: Symbols, Signs, and Meanings

Dr. Edward Schellhammer President and Founder of the Schellhammer Education group has focused and excelled in the production of self-help books, interpretations, psychology, psychoanalysis and philosophy.

Schellhammer has herewith produced a dream interpretation book especially for those who wish to know a specific event they have dreamed about. With maximum research and interpretation in dreams, Eduard Schellhammer’s dream dictionary has a great emphasis on real interpretation that is relevant to life.

Schellhammer has been responsible for studying for many years the accuracy of dreams and the purpose of every human being on earth. Giving rise to one of the most accurate and sold books on the internet, a best seller in its category.

Main features of the Dream Dictionary

The dream dictionary has a series of features that have as its main function to guide those who wish to find the meaning of their dreams. The book also has a series of scenarios that will allow the reader to identify their situation within a dream, in order to find their interpretation.

Interpretation of Dreams

The book by Schellhammer has a series of guides and examples that easily guide dreamers. The book includes more than 2000 images, symbols and interpretations. According to Dr. Schellhammer, images that correspond to a specific event usually appear within a dream, and that our subconscious usually reveals those results during the deep sleep. The book is the ideal foundation for those people who are passionate about dream interpretation and want to identify events, paradigms, facts and much more.

Symbology Section

Like the images, the symbols that appear during a dream usually have a literal meaning, although their appearance during the dream is symbolic. This is also due to the proper functioning of the subconscious. The subconscious throws and makes all the data collected during the day appear in dreams, even for up to a week. Thus giving rise to the appearance of a series of symbols that may have a specific context within the interpretation of a dream.


This dream dictionary book offers a previous analysis of certain archetypes, also called “dreams by parts” that, by putting together all the sections, can give a result of a specific dream, which has its meaning within the area of ​​dream interpretation.

Symbolic actions

The symbolic actions that stand out during a dream, originated by the subconscious as well, have a meaning. This type of dictionary is perfect to guide people in this kind of situations.
Resulting in a real and true interpretation of each particular dream, or effect of a series of dream archetypes.

Scenes within a dream

The scenes within a dream are usually more complex than a specific symbolic action. Since a complete scene in turn is also formed by a group of archetypes or symbols that in turn each of these has its own meaning. The book has a series of clarifications that will allow the reader to decipher their puzzle more easily.

Special appearances

The subconscious of each person can produce a different result according to some experience. For this reason dreams can be so diverse, crazy and some even with little sense of coherence. The dream dictionary by Dr. Edward Schellhammer allows us to decipher the meaning of dreams according to the special occurrences that occur within a specific dream.

Peculiarities of images in dreams

Although it may seem insignificant, in most dreams certain peculiar images usually appear. Each of these images was thrown by our subconscious with a specific purpose. Thousands of scientific-based interpretations and professional experiences in the area by Dr. Schellhammer have helped to create the ultimate guide to interpreting your dreams. Founded with 250,000 dreams from clients. Researched with 40 years of professional experience.

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