The First 3 Years after Birth
After the prenatal 9 months the foundation of the mental functions is established.
Once born, the fetus prefers the mother’s voice before anyone else’s. A baby responds first to the voice of the person who takes care of it most. Babies cry in the accent of their mother’s native language. Babies prefer first the food tastes that are familiar since before birth. Babies first respond based on the prenatal learning processes.
Absence of prenatal learning leads to poor mental development.
- Aggressive parents reduce the child’s future capacity for a healthy and peaceful relationship.
- To be silent as punishment is a humiliation with emotional damages and health problems for the child.
- Chronic disharmony in the family reproduces disharmonic emotional patterns in the child’s mood.
- Repeated harassment, unjust parental (teacher) behavior creates ‘victim-identity’ and promotes lies, cheat, falseness.
The mind can’t develop and can’t operate properly without:
… the satisfaction of its intrinsic body needs.
… the satisfaction of its elementary needs for life.
… the satisfaction of certain needs for positive social experiences.
… the satisfaction of certain needs for positive life perspectives.
Genuine love with talking, hugs, caress, guidance is of highest importance. Reduced or absence of these fundamental satisfactions lead to a ‘lost life’.
Psychoanalysis teaches us that before birth the fetus already begins to develop unconscious complexes, e.g. traumas, perverted behavior patterns, emotional issues, religious indoctrination, fear, violence, coldness, etc. The Science of ‘Epigenetics’ teaches us that humans inherit patterns of the mind, of attitudes, of emotions, of health, and behavior from and up to the previous 14 generations. That’s why history in relevant contexts repeat itself.
The more negative prenatal experiences about the father and mother, the more negative life experiences during the first three years, the more grows an intensive drive for compensation, for projection and for a ‘true’ and ‘infallible’ spiritual, religious or political home that promises relief, salvation or prosperity. But the roots of this mental inheritance are much deeper: The “Threats and Enemy” mental pattern has been shaped 20,000 years ago and is still in its archaic concept today. Enemy pictures are determined and rooted in the mental system of the expectant human already before birth and especially after birth during the first 3 years. For most people these patterns are unchanged during their entire life.
Prenatal and postnatal religious and ideological influences from the parents and social-cultural environment do not guarantee religious or political ‘truth’. Epigenetics also found out: rigidity, stubbornness, righteousness, fundamentalism and dogmatism are mental concepts uncritically transmitted to the following generation, beyond the ‘truth’.