Prenatal Development

Every Human Starts with Growing and Learning in the Womb
A fetus learns the voice of his Mum, and then of Dad.
A fetus learns prenatal tastes and smells (from the mother).
A fetus adapts first the flavor of the food the mother eats.

The emotions of the pregnant mother are shared with the fetus. A fetus reacts to social, cultural, religious environment; builds up corresponding mental structures. A fetus reacts to the natural environment; e.g. weather, danger, riots, violence, wars, etc. A fetus reacts to collective scarcity; e.g. drinking water, food, shelter, etc. A fetus acoustically experiences stimuli and stores them; learns to feel, hear, smell, and taste. A fetus needs a lot of sleep, peace and love to grow; a fetus increasingly differentiates external activities.

Social factors influence prenatal the development of the brain and the mind in a positive way:

Talking with the unborn; Social interactions around the unborn; Emotional experiences (environment); Emotional state of the mother; Happiness within the family; Expressions of love, care, interest; Understanding between people; Honesty and transparency; Peace and positive social interactions; Music of all kinds; Joy of life, a positive family ‘feeling’; Secure and respectful environment.

  • During prenatal time basic patterns of the mental functions are established and already shaped for the entire following life course; including concepts of religion, culture, habits, and so on.
  • Religious belief and practices of the parents are transmitted to their baby as emotional and behavioral patterns already during the prenatal time, mostly with lifelong consequences.
  • All kinds of local and national cultural practices and ways of living are basically and emotionally established already during prenatal time, mostly with lifelong consequences.
  • Stupid and ignorant parents, equipped with instinctive love capacity, lowest level of mental and personal development, transmit their mental state to the fetus’ mental development with lifelong consequences.

Prenatal positive influences in the development of the brain predetermine a positive mental development.

The more a fetus-baby is accepted with its unique character and emotional state, the more the baby will love life. Love is the supreme key for the (mental) development of a fetus, baby, child, and teenager. Love wants to develop life. The brain needs a lot of love and care to develop; but humanity’s capability to love is at maximum 1% of its capacity. Prenatal bad experiences as well as good experiences determine the shaping of the mental functions.

Prenatal bad experiences are:

Poorly educated parents; No sensitive, responsive care; Lack of emotional attention; Insecure parental relationship; Low, poor economic conditions; Lack of care giving attitudes; Thoughtless and stupid parents; No relationship mother-fetus; No relationship father-fetus; Mother and father don’t talk to the fetus; No understanding of the fetus’ movement; Parental ignorance, absence of maturity, rigidity, violence in the environment; Absence of love and care for the fetus; Lack of environmental security, protection, soul, spirit, and reliability.

After the 9 months before birth, the foundation of the mental functions is established.

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