Every day, we see people of all kinds, backgrounds, and expressions. Can we one day shape the human, much like the so-called artificial intelligence? Will it one day be possible to create humans out of nothing? All humans have a body that grows from within itself. It is certainly a wonder how it is possible to become human out of nothing.
Do they still have all their body parts? The human being grows throughout life from the becoming of existence. Then comes the day of death for every person, sooner or later.
Is this moment the eternal end, forever? What was the force that allowed us to become human throughout a lifetime? We cannot decipher this miracle.
Throughout life, every person is confronted with themselves. Inevitably, from pre-birth, humans develop in different directions. There must be a reason why and for what purpose humans are meant to become in such diversity.
In contrast, many people believe that with death, all existence of the human being ceases. Thus, we face two realities: On one side, there is the psychic-spiritual humanity, which we all possess with rich potential; and on the other side, the question remains:
Why and for what purpose does a secret force give us the potential to unfold, only for existence to be dissolved with death? It makes no sense to become human out of nothing, only to lose that life again completely with death. The answer is simple:
We have become human, psychologically and spiritually, and with death, the door opens to another life, which, from here, grows and becomes in a new world through a previously unrecognized spiritual energy. The physical fades into nothingness, while at the same time, the new life begins in a new world.
The human never dies. Thus begins the new being and life in a new energy structure. For humanity, a new path of life begins here with becoming, tasks, learning, and responsibility. In this way, we enter a new spiritual energy world, probably with tasks as well, to learn and grow. The new human lives eternally in the beyond.
Likely, a new spiritual path begins here, perhaps also in communities. Serious wrongdoers may have to go through a long path of catharsis.
We do not know what is true, but this consideration makes sense. We should have some trust that humanity unfolds anew in this way. One cannot expect, if one has inflicted great harm and suffering as a despicable person, to be praised. The question remains: Why should the old religion still be good?
From the Messenger, November 2024.