The Dictatorship of Stupidity

The world needs a new United Nation. Each state must create its own “New United Nation.” Humanity has lost its innermost faith, and the castrated UN Charta is embarrassing. The spirit of the people is totally lost, and the total self-being has completely declined.

The world suffers from an epidemic illness, and spiritual thinking is now in a psychosis. Confusing rhetoric conceals hidden colonialism. The value of reasoning has vanished, trust in human matters has decayed, and knowledge and wisdom have disappeared. Behavioral quality, once imbued with value, is no longer present. Naivety carries an infantile poison, and politics has never admitted its own stupidity.

The world has lacked an evolving concept. Since 1945, leaders have acted as murder elites. The prelude to this is the preparation for WW3. Imperialism is rising again, hidden behind guilt. The function of killing fuels a sick power. Centuries of wars remain unresolved, and the old compulsion for executions is once again vivid. Millennia-old emperors call for deicide, while the collective inner worlds have decomposed.

Humanity’s liquidation suffers because men have lost their archetypal inner source of life. The entire world is also guilty of millennia-old lies. Authorities and the people reject collective guilt, and the battle with inner evil remains hidden. It seems the entire world today repeats its own past.

However, there is a solution for humanity, though nobody seems to want it. The world could collectively transform into peace. Women must recreate the collective inner human being. For 3,000 years, the world has suffered terribly. Now, it has the opportunity to learn and discover inner truth. I need five years to establish the foundation of a new world.

From the Messenger, Dr. Eduard Schellhammer (RC).

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