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The totally Rotten United Nation
For years, I have tried to understand the political, military, educational, and human factors involved. The fact is, people cannot prepare for and start a war. Elites, rulers, and megalomaniacs initiate all wars. Any person or group ...
About the Status of the Ukraine and the Russian Conflict.
A new perspective on a possible future peace lies within (RC). Many authorities on the global stage have tried, and continue to try, to find a way out of this psychosis. However, the fact remains today: no ...
Dr. Eduard Schellhammer, the Swiss from Lucerne
Well-travelled, much discovered, much worked—I have spent 50 years exploring academic worlds, sometimes very thoroughly. Over time, I uncovered and questioned many worlds more clearly. Today, I pose questions to the 8 billion people and challenge their ...
It Seems No One Wants to Know What is Approaching
Almost everyone refuses to acknowledge what is steadily approaching. However, humanity’s greatest challenge lies within—the need for inner liberation and the reclamation of the lost spirit. I cannot say it out loud. Yet, everyone knows it, though ...

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