Latest articles by Dr Schellhammer

The Dictatorship of Stupidity

The world needs a new United Nation. Each state[…]

The estimated 200 State Presidents and Rulers of the World

There are many subordinate executives in governmental offices worldwide.[…]

The World must know that it is time for a new evolving Humanity.

But the world suffers from unsolvable problems. For 50[…]

Germany is ending The Vasal of the USA

Here is your revised text with shorter paragraphs, improved[…]

The Liberation that is not allowed to become free.

Worldwide, no remedies allow humans to become free from[…]

The Human in the Other World

We see people of all kinds, origins, and expressions[…]

There is a solution for a renewed World. Never forget the symbol RC.

The problem is that the offered solution is worse[…]

The Female survival in the context of Warmongering

I have 12 years of experience as a psychotherapist[…]

The liquidation of Ukraine.

This article today is such a hot potato that[…]


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