The World must know that it is time for a new evolving Humanity.

The Enduring Human Struggle with War
The world suffers from problems that seem unsolvable. For 50 years, I have delved into the fundamental aspects of the major wars spanning the last 2000-3000 years. My goal was to understand the roots of conflict, even those originating as far back as 3000 years ago. Countless individuals have helped me grasp the deep darkness behind human violence.

An Endless Cycle of War
I have studied both World War I and World War II, as well as wars in general. The central question is: why do we endure endless, horrific wars and fail to create lasting peace on Earth? Authorities continuously call for urgent peace, yet it never materializes. The people remain voiceless, unable to present a united call to end war through their leaders. For 3000 years, many have sought to understand human suffering and to find a path to peace.

The Role of Rulers and Religion in War
For millennia, humanity has been plagued by devastating wars. These conflicts are initiated by kings, rulers, and religious authorities. But every war is ultimately human-made. Therefore, we must seek new approaches that lead to a deeper understanding of human life—one that transcends violence. Humanity must adopt entirely new methods to understand its nature. Religions have failed to deliver long-term peace, thus proving ineffective.

The Failure of Archaic Religions
It is even worse: archaic religions, from the time of Abraham to today’s various belief systems, have not been effective in achieving peace. Humanity must discard these outdated and harmful approaches in favor of new, valuable concepts. The old religions deceive us about the true source of human development. Under their influence, humanity will continue to experience war without ever finding inner fulfillment. The 200 systems of power worldwide will persist in controlling a soulless, perverted humanity. No pope, priest, or magical thinking can bring about a truly evolving world.

The Need for Age-Related Adulthood
Humanity must evolve into “Age-related Adults”: self-responsible, lifelong learners who create healthy ideas and question life both internally and externally. The rigid minds, dictatorial orders, and destructive forces of the past 3000 years must undergo profound internal change. Human beings have long been shaped by wars, lies, propaganda, and empty seductions. Countless men and women have tried to understand our existence, mostly compelled to obey.

The Call for a New Age
A new age must emerge—one that creates a future rooted in a fresh understanding of life on Earth. Most people are unaware of why they exist or what purpose their short lives serve. Many are still trapped by old religions, archaic rulers, and a soulless world. Humanity is asleep, its head buried in the sand, rejecting responsibility. Life on Earth offers countless opportunities to learn, create, evolve, and enrich.

The Questions We Must Ask Ourselves
Why do you allow yourself to remain inactive? Why do you let elites trigger wars? Why do you neglect your personal education? Why do you never question or think deeply? Why do you continue to follow blind ideologies designed for manipulation? Ask yourself a hundred thousand times: why do you accept being a slave? Why not enrich and nurture yourself to fulfill your higher personal goals?

From the Messenger, Dr. Eduard Schellhammer, Spain

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