The New Messenger

Who has the right to read the Levites to the highest Authorities? Only the Messenger has the right. No one else has the right to Force the world for peace as today the entire world is stuck in lies, falseness, and the Darkness. I will herewith read the strongest Levites to the 200 highest global authorities. You should read this outstanding declaration; it is also a Call for the 8b People. Humanity gets this documented too, to Humanity and for its Reconciliation. Or continue as the bestial sick deformed species.

The high numbers of War criminals: Vietnam, Bin Laden, Richard Nixon, Clinton, Biden, Jimmy Carter, H.W, Bush, Libia, Syria, Bosnia, and 250 years back with brutal killing and robbery from the US and we assume, the UK too. Think about the worst and the most brutal wars, WW1, and WW2, and the inexistent weapons of mass destruction. State presidents acted like perverse Inhumans.

In this context we must add the “Land-Robbery 1948” with following endless wars up to today. Let us add some more examples, with some short aspects: The rulers, Kings, Head of states, war-financiers, Elites, priests, State presidents, and other Profiteers, up to today, including thousand and many more killed solders, children, adults, women, and men.

Who financed Hitler? Who financed the Ukraine conflict and the weapon constructions?

Isn’t it time that the 200 Governments find back to solutions? Isn’t it time to open the hidden book of all wars back to 7000 Years? Today the entire world is waiting for peace. The American administration is the main “Sodom and Gomorrah” Master, which includes the British Administration. You must adapt a new understanding of being a Human.

Authorities are responsible for the unimaginable suffering and killing still today.

Do you want to continue as inhuman besties for all eternity in darkness? The 200 and more authorities can get today the golden Key for the New Age. To renew the world is never the path towards peace. Negotiations are never the tool for a new World as the old world is always hidden in the unconscious Mind.

You must find the inner source of life and the core of eternal human evolution.

Solutions in the context of wars and political interests, the authorities must first go back to their own past and reset from there the foundation of a new world.

Anything else will always lead to new wars and the total human destruction. The 200 authorities must take a decision: Complete forgiveness and reset humanity from the bottom of each one’s inner life and responsibility. The world needs Peace. The world needs hope.

The world needs guidance and not propaganda, not dogmatism, not magic thinking, not a

“Jesus” that is never what people project into phantasies. Solutions grow from inside. But the mess you must clean out yourself! Reconciliation or 1000 years of Wars. You chose.

1.11.2024. DR. Eduard Schellhammer, Spain. From the Messenger. The RC.

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