The Schellhammer Institute’s Approach

The Schellhammer Institute is committed to sharing its acquired knowledge with as many individuals as possible through various forms of communication. Recognizing that education is the foundation for all progress, the Institute aims to create a dynamic process that sparks a chain reaction. The knowledge shared will flow like a river throughout humanity, provoking a critical mass tipping point in society, leading to positive evolutionary change.


The mission of Schellhammer Institute is grounded in over 50 years of global travel and academic research. The goal is to unlock the inner power within every individual, guiding them towards personal growth and a deeper awareness of their existence. By fostering self-awareness and respect for nature, the institute envisions a more evolved humanity, living in harmony with the world around us.
Schellhammer Institute also promotes global unity through collective mental focus on peace and harmony. This united effort aims to create a transformative force, driving systemic change beyond the reach of political influence.


At the Schellhammer Institute, it is believed that everyone comes into this world to discover their inner self as well as the immense external world that surrounds and sustains them. This understanding calls for actions that align with fulfilling the personal duty ingrained in the mind, body, and soul. It is a choice—either to embrace this journey of growth and evolution or to ignore it and stagnate. The Institute upholds the belief that this path of discovery is a continuous, lifelong process, with the goal of enhancing our existence in the realms that follow beyond the present one.
The core values at the Schellhammer Institute emphasize the importance of self-discovery, self-management, and continuous learning.

These principles are fundamental for recognizing every experience as an opportunity for personal growth and learning, even though the mistakes encountered along the way. Periodic self-reflection is essential in the pursuit of becoming a better human being and for fostering a deeper understanding and empathy for others.

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About Schellhammer Institute

About Schellhammer Institute

Founded by Dr. Eduard Schellhammer in [insert founding year], the Schellhammer Institute is dedicated to advancing personal development, education, and …
Dr Schellhamers life.

Dr Schellhamers life.

Eduard Schellhammer was born in Lucerne on November 14, 1947, at 2:40 in the morning. From an early age, he …