Teaches strategies to assess personal influence and adapt leadership style for greater effectiveness.

The final unit, “A New Humanity,” offers a comprehensive perspective on humanity’s evolution and future direction. Participants will investigate the past and present state of humanity to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing the future. This unit encourages leaders to adopt a visionary approach to addressing global issues and contributing to a sustainable and equitable future. By exploring the historical context and future possibilities, leaders will be prepared to drive transformative change and create a new paradigm for global leadership.

The Leadership Program at the Schellhammer Institute is designed for executives, policymakers, educators, and individuals committed to transformative leadership. Through these four units, participants will gain the insights and skills needed to make a profound impact, fostering personal and professional growth while addressing global challenges. This program provides a unique opportunity to lead with purpose and vision, shaping a better future for humanity.

Learn to understand how guilt, fear, anxiety, and psychosis shape our world. Examine how humanity’s past and present actions have led to widespread suffering. Question the corroded and decomposed values that nobody wants to repair. Discover how epigenetics can influence inherited mental weaknesses. Create a new breed of elite leaders who urge the rediscovery of human values.

Understand why 8 billion people suffocate all inner and outer values. Identify professional qualities and strategies for human change. Learn to address the 18 massive and most critical threats facing humanity. Can we build up a new breed of leaders with a healthy mind and thinking? Can we create elites and leaders who rediscover human values?

Key Outcomes

  • Learn to know how guilt, fear, anxiety, and psychosis is shaping our world.
  • Learn how humanity’s past and present actions have led to big suffering.
  • Question the corroded and decomposed values nobody wants to repair.
  • Learn how Epigenetics can influence people inheriting mental weaknesses.
  • Create a new breed of elite leaders who urge the rediscovery of human values.
  • Learn to understand why 8bn people suffocate all inner and outer values.
  • Learn to Identify professional qualities and strategies for human change.
  • Learn to deal with the 18 massive and most critical threats facing humanity.
  • Can we build up a new breed of Leaders with a healthy mind and thinking?
  • Can we create a new breed of elites and leaders who rediscover human values?