Schellhammer Insitute

The Schellhammer Institute

Centro Commercial San Roque Club, Calle Mesilla del diente, 11360 

[email protected]




Dedicated to Freeing Humanity

Be a better you, create a better world!

We offer a one of a kind centre for like minded people to meet and discuss topics that will change the world from the grass roots. We offer seminars, workshops, and thinktanks on a variety of topics. 

Schellhammer Institute - Pioneering Education Since 1978

Our Inspiration

We believe the world is at a crossroads. Either we choose to change the course of humanity and find solutions to the very real problems that we all know the world will be facing in the near future, or the only other alternative is to face the end of society as we know it now. Current lifestyles are unsustainable and action that leaders are taking is not sufficient.

Our founder has dedicated his life to studying these problems. He his many things, humanitarian, educator, phycologist, anthropologist, mentor, spiritual guide, and computing engineer. Find out more about his extraordinary life and how the Schellhammer Institute was born.


Challenge the status Quo. Join one of our programs!

The world needs a grass roots systemic change. Thousands say they have the answer but read further and decide for yourselves if you are ready for real change, because the time is now! We offer a range of programs to answer humanity's fundamental questions.

new foundations development

Perfect for anyone aspiring to higher life objectives.

resilience in a chaotic World

How to learn and teach this skill essential in today's society but it is not easy. Let us show you how.

meditation for Today

New techniques for busy people. taught in a straightforward way from a modern visionary.

New direction New Leadership

A exclusively unique thinktank For leaders who know the world needs more and are ready to rise to the challenge.

Why choose us?

Freedom to Discuss, Grow, and Impact

We create an environment free from the constraints of capitalist values, consumerism, and bureaucracy. Here, you can engage in deep, meaningful discussions. This freedom allows you to envision and drive substantial change. Your journey with us is about global catharsis, nurturing a healthy mind and soul, and becoming a catalyst for positive change, both personally and collectively.

Guided by a Visionary Leader

Our founder, is a visionary leader with a proven commitment to leadership, education, and psychology. He created this institute to raise awareness of global issues and to provide a platform for change. By joining us, you're not just enrolling in a program; you're becoming a part of a mission to contribute to a better world.

A Journey of Holistic Transformation

Our institute offers a unique, all-encompassing approach to personal and societal development. When you choose us, you're embarking on a transformative journey of self-discovery, inner growth, and global awareness. We provide you with a deep understanding of yourself and the world, empowering you with the knowledge, skills, and emotional intelligence needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Empowerment Through Personalized Guidance

At the Schellhammer Institute, we recognize that each individual's journey is unique. Our programs are designed to provide you with personalized guidance, tailored to your specific needs and goals, offering a truly individualized experience. This level of personalized attention sets us apart and guarantees that you receive the support you need to make a lasting impact in your life and the world.

Client Testimonials

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Paul Andrew Lucas
To be honest I had my doubts. But having met Dr. Schellhammer all was clear. The Leadership program I undertook not only made me a better leader but also a better man. Thank you Eduard.
Edwin Grapos
My decision to join the New Foundations Program was life-changing, it empowered me to embrace deeper connections with the world and has truly enriched my life, both personally and professionally. The new foundations program allowed me to understand myself better, attain inner balance. I received unwavering support from Dr. Eduard, making this experience even more remarkable. It's never too late to embark on such a transformative journey, and I'm immensely grateful for the opportunity.
Emma Taylor


Dr. Schellhammer is a prolific writer and apart from his many books on sale you will find many articles of interest here. we try to include a new one every month according to global issues and current events.

Dreams and Spiritual Intelligence
Dreams and Spiritual Intelligence

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The Rulers From The Times of Colonialism

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Lost Humanity

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Articles of interest.

Articles about: society, philosophy, psychology, politics, governance, the future, dreams, sustainability and much more.

Dreams and Spiritual Intelligence


Your journey of self discovery.


Who doesn't want a brighter Future?

The world is facing many challenges, how do we move forward towards a brighter future.

The Rulers From The Times of Colonialism

Rulers from before the time of Colonialism

Governments are outdated and in need of reform

Human life begins with reconnection.

Even before conception our whole life can be effected by events in our world and past generations.

Lost Humanity

Lost humanity

A short description of the service and how the visitor will benefit from it.


We would love to hear from you.
Feel free to reach out using the below details.

Unlock Your Potential Take the First Step Today

The time is now to begin your journey of personal growth and inner renewal with the Schellhammer Institute. We’re not just an educational institution; we’re your partners and guides in your individual process of self-discovery and global change. Reach out today, and together, we’ll unleash your untapped potential and shape a better world. Your extraordinary path starts with a single click or call.
